Bacterial Meningitis Facts

Meningitis is the inflammation of your membranes that surround your own brain and back. At the U.S., many cases of meningitis are caused by viral diseases, but bacterial diseases...

Meningitis is the inflammation of your membranes that surround your own brain and back. At the U.S., many cases of meningitis are caused by viral diseases, but bacterial diseases may also cause meningitis. Depending on the severity of the infection, meningitis may improve on its own in a couple weeks, or additionally, it may sometimes be life threatening and require antibiotic treatment.
Bacterial Meningitis Infection

Early symptoms and signs of meningitis often resemble flu, and they could grow in as little as a couple of hours or as much as fourteen weeks. The outward symptoms for people older than age 2 contain:

  • Sudden high fever
  • Stiff neck
  • Intense headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Seizures
  • Sleepiness
  • difficulty waking
  • Sensitivity to mild
  • Not Enough hunger or thirst
  • Skin rash in some cases

If you are having any one of those initial five outward symptoms in the aforementioned list, then seek medical attention immediately. Bacterial meningitis will think about it very quickly and is a lot more severe than viral meningitis, that may improve in its own without treatment. Bacterial meningitis requires antibiotics as soon as possible  since it can be fatal in only a couple days.

Acute bacterial meningitis on average occurs when bacteria enters the blood and invisibly into the brain and back. Other infrequent occasions include when bacteria invades the meninges as a result of an ear or sinus infection, a skull fracture, or after some surgeries.

Several variables can put you at greater risk for developing meningitis, including:

  • Preventing vaccinations
  • Age (many bacterial meningitis cases occur in people under the age of 20)
  • Living in neighborhood surroundings like college students in dormitories, employees on military bases, and kids in child care centers are in greater risk because bacteria propagate through the respiratory tract are inclined to move fast in large classes
  • Pregnancy
  • Compromised immune system

Bacterial Meningitis Treatments

Ordinarily, bacterial meningitis is treated with intravenous antibiotics and cortisone medications just as it’s diagnosed, which implies healing and reduces the danger of complications such as brain swelling and seizures. The type of antibiotic used will be dependent on the kind of bacteria that’s caused the infection. Another treatment might be to drain the infected sinuses or mastoids (sponge-like bones near the ear) to get rid of the infection when possible.

Bacterial Meningitis Prevention

There are several things you can do to lower your risk of developing bacterial meningitis. Washing your hands is very important to reduce and prevent contact with infectious agents. Practice decent hygiene, such as not sharing food or beverages, lip balms, or toothbrushes with anyone else. Maintaining a balanced immune system by having enough rest, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet of fruits, veggies, and whole grains will lower your risk too. Covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing can help prevent the spread of bacteria into others. Finally, in the event that you’re pregnant, then require extra care to cook match to at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit and then avoid unpasteurized milk.

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