Meningitis Vaccine

  • Bacterial Meningitis Facts

    Meningitis is the inflammation of your membranes that surround your own brain and back. At the U.S., many cases of meningitis are caused by viral diseases, but bacterial diseases may also cause meningitis. Depending on the severity of the infection, meningitis may improve on its own in a couple...
  • Meningitis Types and Differences

    Meningitis happens if the membranes surrounding your brain and spinal cord become inflamed. The swelling that results is usually what causes the most famous symptoms of this illness: fever, headache, and stiff neck. Depending upon the reason for the illness that triggers meningitis, it may progress on its own or...
  • Meningitis Vaccination For Your Child

    You can safeguard your child by putting them the meningitis vaccine. You will find two meningococcal diseases: Septicemia: a serious blood disease that damages different human body tissues. Meningococcal diseases could lead to hearing loss, limb loss through amputation, seizures, and mental retardation, in addition to issues with the...