Reasons for Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, which occurs when bacteria inside your mouth create acid that eats holes at the surface of one’s teeth, or the...

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, which occurs when bacteria inside your mouth create acid that eats holes at the surface of one’s teeth, or the tooth decay. As the days go by, this rust can grow larger if it’s left untreated and can finally reach the nerve endings. At these times, the only recourse would be to get the full tooth.


Tooth decay is caused when plaque forms in your teeth. Many kinds of bacteria live in your mouth, also should you have beverages and food, these bacteria cause plaque. The acidity within this plaque starts to clear away the minerals.

After the enamel has been removed, this acidity will begin the attack the second coating of one’s enamel, which is called dentin. This coating is far prone to strikes and is thicker than enamel. Finally, the acid cause serious damage and will reach the enamel ’ s pulp. The pulp could be the middle of this enamel, and it houses the tooth nerves and arteries. This can cause possibly even and severe toothaches abscesses in some cases.

Additional Causes

Additional reasons for tooth decay comprise smoking and low levels of saliva. Diabetics are also more likely to have tooth corrosion due to high blood sugar.

Preventing Tooth Decay

There are lots of ways to keep this horrible rust. The very first step would be always to brush and brush your teeth. Attempt to brush and use a mouthwash afterward. You should go to your dentist once. Your dentist may indicate providing you special fluoride treatments during your trip.

You should also cut down on snacking or snacking sugary snacks to maintain plaque away. Eat healthier foods like vegetables, fruits and veggies, and unsweetened tea. These promote saliva flow and may remove extra food particles that adhere to your teeth.

Also, ask your dentist concerning preventative measures like dental sealants, which might be small plastic coatings that go onto your back teeth. In the event that you’re susceptible to corrosion due to diabetes or dry mouth, your dentist may prescribe special mouth rinses with antibiotics to maintain harmful bacteria away.

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