Diabetes and Leg Pain

For many aging people, pain, cramping or fatigue in legs while walking or climbing stairs may not seem like symptoms of a severe condition. Actually, the majority of individuals...

For many aging people, pain, cramping or fatigue in legs while walking or climbing stairs may not seem like symptoms of a severe condition. Actually, the majority of individuals believe that they’re normal signs of aging. Nevertheless, they are symptoms of a sort of coronary artery or blood vessel damage known as diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease. This guide will provide you with an in-depth analysis of diabetes and leg pain.

If diabetes induces damage to the nerves in your thighs and arms, the condition will be referred to as diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy results in chronic hyperglycemia (elevated blood glucose levels). On the flip side, if diabetes hurts arteries in your legs, then the condition will be referred to as peripheral vascular disease (PAD).

Taking charge of diabetes and leg pain will not only aid in improving the quality of one’s life but also in preventing acute injuries. A number of the methods of tackling diabetes and leg pain have been discussed below.

1. The Use of Vitamin Supplements

A wholesome diet is critical in leg and diabetes pain relief. Leg discomfort associated with diabetes can be eased with certain supplements. Nutritional elements in those supplements not merely aid in repairing damaged nerve cells but also in preventing future nerve damage. A number of the supplements under search for diabetic neuropathy treatment include VitaminD, lipoic acid (ALA), vitamin b 12 and acetyl-L-carnitine.

Alpha lipoic acid was widely used in home remedies for diabetes. Besides being available as an oral nutritional supplement, it’s also commonly present in foods like carrots and broccoli. ALA helps prevent further nerve damage and alleviating pain in diabetic patients. On the flip side, vitamin b 12 is present in fish and meats. Besides promoting healthy nerve function, vitamin B12 also aids in supporting the creation of red blood cells. Acetyl-L-carnitine helps in producing healthy cells. But it comes with negative effects like nausea and ability to connect to blood-thinning medications. Lastly, vitamin-D encourages healthy nerve function and reduces swelling.

2. The Use of Medication

On the counter medicines, for instance, ibuprofen and acetaminophen are useful in alleviating mild to moderate leg pain. Excessive cramps and pain warrants the use of pharmaceutical medicines like antidepressants (such as duloxetine), opioids and anticonvulsants.

3. Home Remedies

While the use of supplements and medication reduces pain and inflammation, they require some time to get the job done. Moreover, certain medications for instance opioids might pose serious unwanted side effects when taken for extended periods of time. Physical therapy teaches you exercises which target and also alleviate leg pain. Other possible procedures of treatment include light therapy, electric nerve stimulation and acupuncture.

Home-remedies, for instance, the use of a static bike to increase the flow of blood, going for short/frequent walks, employment of a bed pouch during the night to reduce leg vexation and soaking your thighs in warm water can help in alleviating leg and diabetes pain.


It is crucial that you immediately address any sort of leg pain by means of your doctor, even when the outward symptoms cause little to no interference to your everyday pursuits. Anxiety and migraines might signal serious diabetic neuropathy or peripheral arterial disease. Diabetes predisposes one to peripheral vascular disease, a condition that increases your risk for stroke and heart attack. As stated by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, one in three diabetic adults above age 50 have peripheral vascular disease. For this reason, you need to call your doctor to record any unusual symptoms associated with diabetes and leg pain.


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