narcolepsy treatment

  • Coping With Narcolepsy

    Fighting daily fatigue and bouts of falling into sleep unintentionally might be stressful and also wear profoundly on everyday activity. However, also for all those with narcolepsy, it is simply the way that life really is. While doctors might prescribe drugs for narcolepsy, there is not any guarantee that...
  • Night Eating Syndrome Facts

    An Night Eating Syndrome, NES, is an eating disorder that is typically seen as an ingestion later in the night and hardly any during your day. According to, it is a disorder that is usually characterized by a delayed circadian rhythms (biological clock) of consumption pattern. It affects...
  • Narcolepsy and Sleep Paralysis

    In addition, the sleep cycle of the narcoleptic is disrupted. Normal REM Sleep A normal sleep cycle occurs approximately 4 to 6 times in a night, shooting around an hour and a half to finish every moment. Three stages of sleep have been followed by the rapid eye movement...
  • Narcolepsy Remedies

    If you are prone to daytime exhaustion, bad sleep at nighttimetime, and falling unexpectedly into a deep sleeping  whatever you might be doing at that time, you might have a sleep problem called narcolepsy. While little is known concerning the reason behind narcolepsy, and there isn’t any cure, so there...