How Cold Sores Are Contracted

Cold sores tend to be more common than many people like to think people, and children can form cold sores. The clinical term for cold sores, which are also...
Herpes on the lips

Cold sores tend to be more common than many people like to think people, and children can form cold sores. The clinical term for cold sores, which are also sometimes called fever blisters, is herpes type 1. There’s a fantastic chance you’ve experienced cold sores without even knowing exactly how they’re spread.

Spreading Herpes

Individuals who have a cold sore can infect the others very easily. The herpes type 1 virus has been spread through direct contact with secretions from an infected person’s mouth, skin, or genitals. The herpes virus is most infectious when a cold sore occurs, but lots of people catch it though a sore cannot be seen.

There really are numerous activities that may disperse cold sores. Sharing utensils, drinking glasses, lipstick, towels, razors, or other health care items having a person who gets the herpes type 1 virus can cause cold sores. The virus can be spread by close physical contact such as sexual intercourse and sexual intercourse.


Sometimes it might be difficult to tell if someone is infected with the herpes type 1 virus, but there certainly are a couple of signs that may indicate an infection. If the individual appears to be experiencing burning or tingling sensations on the lips or skin around your mouth, swollen glands, a rash on your mouth or lips, and debilitating swallowing, they may be infected.


Should you have cold sores usually, your doctor can help you and give you suggestions on how to keep your outbreaks to a minimum. If cold sores do not heal on their own in seven to 10 days or you’re showing signs of a bacterial infection, you should seek medical attention.

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