Narcolepsy and Sleep Paralysis

In addition, the sleep cycle of the narcoleptic is disrupted. Normal REM Sleep A normal sleep cycle occurs approximately 4 to 6 times in a night, shooting around an...
Young man sleeping during a university lecture

In addition, the sleep cycle of the narcoleptic is disrupted.

Normal REM Sleep

A normal sleep cycle occurs approximately 4 to 6 times in a night, shooting around an hour and a half to finish every moment. Three stages of sleep have been followed by the rapid eye movement (REM) stage, that’s the deepest of the cycles. This may be the stage when fantasies begin, named for once the eyes start to proceed immediately and randomly around, despite unconsciousness. The pulse becomes the respiratory rate and more irregular grows shallow. The different significant feature of REM sleep would be that the increasing loss of their ability to move the limbs or talk, also known as sleep paralysis. For normal sleepers, sleepparalysis generally burns until waking, while they move back through the non-REM phases of sleep, developing with complete use of limbs.

REM Sleep with Narcolepsy

Narcoleptics, on the flip side, forget the non-REM stages and go directly to REM sleep. As people that have narcolepsy enter into the REM stage more quickly, sleep paralysis occurs more quickly and melts more slowly. It could even begin as the man is still awake. Once full consciousness and application of all limbs are regained, perhaps it doesn’t look to be quite a major deal, but when it is happening, it can be very frightening, especially since the person usually falls asleep too quickly to realize it is happening. Sleepparalysis usually doesn’t last long, but for some minutes before drifting off to sleep or later waking, it might be overwhelming to feel confused and suspended, struggling to do anything about it.  

Simply because someone experiences sleepparalysis does not mean they will have narcolepsy, but nevertheless sleeping paralysis can occur to anyone, it is more common among narcoleptics. While there’s not any real danger from sleep paralysis, if it is happening frequently it is becoming a serious problem or feels like a significant hazard to the narcoleptic, causing additional stress, a talk to a physician or joining a support group may provide some insight or even additional aid in dealing.

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